Finnish Futures Day 2020 invited people to envision desirable futures

This year Futures Day was celebrated on Friday March 6th, 2020 all across Finland. The theme of the day focused on power over the future (tulevaisuusvalta) and desired futures – utopias. The future is co-created together and we all have power to influence our joint future. Futures Day invited everyone to join a virtual Council of the Future and envision their own desired futures.

On Futures Day we had dozens of events taking place all across Finland, in schools, municipalities, companies and in many other kind of communities. Our Futures Day team (Minna Koskelo, Otto Tähkäpää, Annina Antinranta & Laura Pouru) had designed a special Utopia tool to help people stretch their imagination. Futures Day succeeded in being the most tweeted topic of the day. You can browse through the event saldo of the day in Twitter with the hashtags #tulevaisuuspäivä, #tulevaisuusvaltuutettu and #futuresday.

For the special occasion of Futures Day, Finland Futures Research Centre also opened the psychometric Futures Consciousness test (developed by Sanna Ahvenharju, Matti Minkkinen & Fanny Lalot) for one week for all. The test measures futures consciousness in five different dimensions: time perspective, agency beliefs, openness to alternatives, systems perception and concern for others. During the one week we got more than 1000 answers to the test.